政策 & 程序

性侵犯,包括强奸,是一种严重的暴力犯罪,在这种犯罪中, 通过威胁或暴力,涉及或试图使受害者陷入非自愿的行为 性行为. The College annu所有y sponsors several activities and speakers on the subject of sexual assault in addition to providing literature on request. 文学 is also 可用 through the 咨询、健康 & 健康 Center in the lower level 唐纳利中心的. If you are the victim of a sexual assault, you should immediately 联系你的地区协调员,学生事务助理副校长,或学校 Department of 校园安全 for medical and safety assistance. 你也应该尝试一下 to preserve any potential evidence where the assault took place.
所有性侵犯的报告都将保密并进行全面调查. 指控是否应该导致正式的校园纪律处分程序,被告双方 他们的原告可能会有其他人出席他们的听证会,两人都会被告知 结果如何?. Sanctions for on-campus convictions can result in expulsion. 受害者 of sexual assault will have the opportunity to notify local police if they choose and can be assisted by campus officials. 受害者 will be notified of any on-campus and local counseling and mental health services and medical services, and will be 如果有合理的选择,有机会改变他们的生活安排 可用.
性侵犯包括但不限于,强迫,威胁强迫,胁迫, or deceiving another to engage in sexual activity. Sexual activity includes, but is 不限于,性侵,触摸生殖器区域,腹股沟,大腿内侧, 臀部,或乳房. The definition of sexual assault includes any of the following:

  1. 在未经对方同意的情况下,使用武力或胁迫手段进行性接触
  2. 受害人因暂时丧失鉴定能力而精神上丧失行为能力 或由于酒精、其他药物或其他药物的影响而控制自己的行为 经该人同意或未经该人同意而使用或给予该人的物质.
  3. 受害者由于失去知觉、睡着或其他原因而处于身体无助状态 is physic所有y unable to communicate unwillingness to act.
  4. 行为人知道或者应当知道受害人精神上无行为能力或者 身体无助.
    Student Code of Conduct Revisions / 07 January 2009

Consent, on the contrary, is a voluntary granting of permission. 从事这样的工作 与另一个人一起活动,明知该活动冒犯了那个人或那个人 患者无法评估活动的性质或控制自己的行为 是被禁止的. People who commit sexual assault are subject to prosecution by civil authorities and College disciplinary action.
请注意: The use of alcohol or other drugs will not be considered a defense.

性行为不端被定义为故意触摸他人的私密部位 或者是在没有他/她的情况下覆盖一个人的亲密部位的直接区域的衣服 同意.
请注意: The use of alcohol or other drugs will not be considered a defense.
**以上定义是参照密歇根州关于性犯罪的法律 Conduct (Michigan Penal Code, section 750.520a‐e)

如果一名学生是十大赌博正规平台在线性侵犯或性行为不端的受害者, 该事件的报告可以提交给区域协调员,校园主任 Life, 校园安全 or the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. 指控 十大赌博登录官网社团其他成员的不当性行为应该被报告 to the Director of Human Resources. Employees are referred to their handbook for more in形成 on harassment and sexual harassment reporting requirements.

>Sexual Assault Judicial Process

在遵守“珍妮克莱利披露校园安全政策和校园 《十大赌博正规平台在线》,“为劝告成员作出了许多努力 十大赌博登录官网社区对发生在校园或附近的犯罪的及时调查 区域. These efforts include the following:

  • 年报:每年编制一份有关罪案的全面年报 并发表.
  • 特别公告:如有需要,我们会在所有楼宇张贴公告 以及校园安全主页,并提供特别的犯罪警报信息.
  • 学生报纸:有时,会发表一些文章,总结最近的事情 事件.
  • 监测向当地警方报告的犯罪:持续监测事件 向当地警方报告发生在当地的情况,以便更好地告知 the Aquinas community of potential threats.


It is always a good idea to review procedures for these types of situations. 请 share this in形成 with other people in your area.

  • 恶劣天气: Includes thunder, lightening, hail, wind, and heavy rains
  • 龙卷风: A violently rotating column of air in contact with the ground.
  • 表示条件有利于某一特定类型的天气的发生.
  • 警告: Indicates that a particular type of weather is or will soon be occurring.

The Department of 校园安全 monitors the National Weather Service Radio. 在 遇到恶劣天气或龙卷风时,这台收音机会自动发出警报 on duty personnel of the situation.

  • 恶劣天气监视网: Under these conditions the Department of 校园安全 will contact 选择 offices to inform them of current and forecasted conditions.
  • 龙卷风的手表: Under these conditions the Department of 校园安全 will contact 选择 offices on campus to inform them of current and forecasted conditions.
  • 恶劣天气警告: Under these conditions the Department of 校园安全 will contact 所有 offices on campus to inform them of current and forecasted conditions. 在事件中 学校将停课或终止学校业务 of 校园安全 will again contact 选择 offices on campus.
  • 龙卷风警告在这种情况下,所有课程和大学业务立即终止. 校园安全部门将联系校园内选定的办公室通知 them of the conditions and give further instructions. 如果发现龙卷风 在学院附近,人们将受到鼓励和指导 躲在建筑物的最底层,注意远离窗户. 在龙卷风过去或警报解除后,校园部门 Safety will again contact 所有 offices on campus.

A Tornado or Thunderstorm 看 is issued by NOAA's National Severe Storms Forecast Center, Kansas City, Mo., to 确定一个适合龙卷风或强雷暴的区域 形成. A watch alerts you to keep on with your daily routine, but be ready to 回应警告.
A Tornado or Thunderstorm 警告 是由当地国家气象服务机构发布的,这意味着龙卷风或 severe thunderstorm has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. 人近 遇到风暴时应立即躲起来,待在那里直到危险来临 过去的. Others should be prepared to take cover if threatening conditions are sighted.
What to do in case of a tornado warning/watch? 
当龙卷风来袭时, stay away from windows, doors and outside w所有s.
On campus people should move to the following area:

  • 学术建设: 搬到地下室 or tunnel.
  • 组长Albertus大厅: 搬到地下室. 远离窗户
  • 艺术音乐中心: Leave building and go to the basement h所有way of the Academic Building
  • 布朗中心: 搬到地下室
  • 布可夫斯基教堂: Move to the h所有way area by bathrooms or h所有way near office.
  • 校园安全: Move to basement of Academic Building
  • 运输: Move to basement of Regina H所有
  • 多米尼加大厅: 搬到地下室
  • 唐纳利中心: 到地下室的走廊去
  • Sturrus体育 & 健身中心: Move to the tunnel area outside the locker rooms
  • 富尔顿的房子: 搬到地下室
  • 警卫室: 搬到地下室
  • 理由: 搬到地下室 of Browne Center
  • Holmdene: 搬到地下室
  • Hruby大厅: 搬到地下室 h所有way by the Registrar's Office.
  • 边缘大厅: 搬到地下室 of Jarecki/Lacks/Hauenstein
  • 加里奇中心: 搬到地下室
  • Knape大厅: 搬到地下室
  • 缺乏中心: 搬到地下室
  • 维护建筑: 搬到地下室 of the Academic Building
  • 梅耶尔大厅: 搬到地下室
  • 演艺中心: Move to the Audience Chamber or the Black Room.
  • Ravine Apartments (A, B, C and D): 搬到地下室 near Apartment 1.
  • Regina大厅: 搬到地下室 - not to the lounge area
  • 圣若瑟堂: 搬到地下室 tunnel or first floor h所有way
  • 戏剧艺术附件: 搬到地下室 of Jarecki/Lacks/Hauenstein
  • Wege中心: Move to the tunnel that connects Wege and the Academic Building
  • 联系: 搬到地下室
  • 丘鹬大厅: 搬到地下室
  • 伍德沃德的房子: 搬到地下室

十大赌博正规平台在线遵守联邦,州和地方法律,包括那些 管制酒精饮料和管制物品的持有、使用和销售. 此外,学院遵守“无毒工作场所”的所有规定 Act of 1988" and the "Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989."
以下活动禁止在学院场地或学院主办 活动:

  • Distribution, possession or use of any illegal drug or controlled substance.
  • 向21岁以下的人提供酒精饮料或持有酒精饮料 of alcoholic beverages by individuals under 21 years of age.
  • 非法拥有装有酒精饮料的开瓶容器,当众醉酒; 醉酒驾驶或在非法或管制药物的影响下驾驶; and drinking alcoholic beverages in an unlicensed public place.

《十大赌博登录官网》和《十大赌博登录官网》详细说明了违规行为和处罚措施 包括留校察看、停学或开除 徒.
The 十大赌博正规平台在线 咨询、健康 & 健康 Services Center provides assessment and assistance to students during mental health emergencies. 教育项目 解决与酒精和毒品有关的问题是由居住生活共同发起的 Department, Department of 校园安全, Health & 健康 Services, 校园部 Department, College 咨询、健康 & 健康 Services Center, and various student 组织.